What is Executive Rehab and How Does it Work?

When someone realizes substance abuse is negatively affecting their life, they often face a tough decision about stepping away from their home, family, and work in order to seek addiction recovery treatment.  This can be especially true for those in the executive ranks, like chief officers, company vice presidents and presidents, and other high-ranking positions in an organization. That’s why executive alcohol rehabs and executive drug rehabilitation treatment programs were created. Making sure that an individual is comfortable with the environment and the treatment methods they are taking part in for alcohol and drug addiction therapy is a big step towards their successful addiction recovery. At TruPath, we understand that someone in need of alcohol and drug rehab can come from any walk of life.  We are here to help as many people as possible with our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs as possible so give us a call today. 

What Is Executive Rehab?

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment for executives are levels of care specifically designed for busy professionals.  Typically, someone attending an inpatient rehab program for prescription drug addiction, cocaine addiction, meth addiction, or any other substance abuse issue including drug or alcohol detox, would be cut off from the outside world.  This means no phones, computers, etc., during drug or alcohol rehab.  The substance abuse care specialists at a treatment facility designed for business executives understand that flexibility and modifications to traditional treatment methods will be needed.  Drug or alcohol rehabilitation takes dedication and commitment on the part of individuals struggling with drug abuse and addiction and by supplying specialized levels of care for business executives TruPath Recovery is able to help more people put substance abuse behind them.

How Executive Rehab Differs from Other Programs

In addition to busy professionals not being cut off from the world when they are in an executive treatment facility, there are other modifications made for them that differ from traditional drug and alcohol rehab and detox programs. First, business travel during drug treatment is allowed.  This would not be usual during a typical inpatient rehab program for drug abuse. Stress is a big part of why business executives turn to drugs and alcohol and by working and receiving addiction therapy at the same time, they can work on their coping skills and relapse prevention steps being covered in their executive treatment program. 

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of all inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab programs, and it is especially emphasized for those in an executive program. CEOs and other business professionals count on their skills as much as their reputation and a certain level of discretion must be maintained by the staff of an executive program for alcohol and drug rehab.  An executive program also usually falls into the category of luxury detox and drug rehab, which means the staff to patient ratio will be lower and the treatment facility amenities will be somewhat more refined.  At an executive inpatient rehab treatment facility, you will find spa services, delicious food, pools, and fitness centers. Options like massage therapy and acupuncture will likely be available.

The Cost of Executive Rehab

As with any of our other drug and alcohol rehab programs at TruPath, we go through basic administrative steps for all of our clients including insurance verification and what types of levels of care are covered.  We want to make sure all of our clients are getting the benefits they have available to them.  Additional cost and payment details are reviewed individually with each of our clients. 

Why Choose TruPath for Executive Rehab

At TruPath we understand what busy professionals deal with and what types of flexibility they need during alcohol and drug rehab.  Please call us today at (251) 501-4357 to review all of the available professional treatment options we have available.

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