How to Overcome Opiate Addiction

9 Most Common Opiates

Opiates are controlled prescription drugs that are derived from the chemical opium, which naturally comes from poppy seeds and plants. Typically, these medications are used to treat mild to severe pain in patients. However, due to their intensity and calming effects, opioids have a tremendously high rate of abuse that can lead to opiate addiction. Usually, an opiate addiction occurs after someone is prescribed medication for pain following an accident or injury and begins to build up a tolerance to the drug. Tolerance can cause a person to take doses larger than their recommended amount to feel the desired effects. Increasing opiate dosage can lead to a physical dependence where the user needs to continue to take the drug to feel normal. 

The most common opiate drugs include:

  1. Codeine: used to relieve mild to moderate pain and coughing, codeine is less potent than other opioid painkillers. This drug is commonly used among young adults and is often combined with sugary drinks to create a mixture referred to as “purple drank” or “sizzurp”
  2. Darvocet/Darvon: although this drug is now banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Darvocet/Darvon are responsible for thousands of hospitalizations and death during their prime. Prescriptions for this drug may not be written anymore, but they still exist on the black market
  3. Demerol: this is a narcotic that’s used to treat moderate to severe pain. It’s less frequently prescribed today because of its high potential for opiate addiction
  4. Dilaudid: also referred to as “hospital-grade heroin,” Dilaudid is a powerful painkiller. When abused, it can lead to breathing problems or death
  5. Fentanyl: This synthetic painkiller is up to 100 times more potent than morphine, so it’s only prescribed by doctors in cases of severe pain. When combined with other painkillers, fentanyl can quickly lead to drug overdose and other dangerous side effects
  6. Hydrocodone: this is the main ingredient in many painkillers, like Vicodin
  7. Methadone: used for moderate to severe pain, methadone is also used to curb cravings for people who are addicted to other harmful substances, like heroin. Despite its healing effects in other addictions, methadone is still an addictive substance on its own
  8. Morphine: this is one of the most addictive substances known and it’s responsible for a large amount of unintentional drug-related deaths across the country
  9. Oxycodone: sold under brand names like oxycontin and Percocet, this opiate is a widely prescribed painkiller with a high potential for abuse

How Prevalent Is Opiate Abuse?

Opiate addiction has been a growing problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), opiate addiction and abuse are extremely common in the United States. In fact, the National Institute of Health (NIH) estimates three million Americans suffer from opiate addiction. Further, the CDC says that overdose deaths remain a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States with the majority of deaths involving opioids.

32 Signs It’s Time for Drug Rehab to Combat Opiate Addiction

If you or a loved one is struggling with opiate addiction, it’s important to seek professional help. When you realize that your addiction is hurting the people around you and causing problems in your life, it’s time to take action and seek drug rehab services. These are the signs it’s time for you to enter drug rehab for opiate addiction. You may experience the following:

  1. Constipation
  2. Nausea
  3. Feeling high
  4. Slowed breathing rate
  5. Drowsiness
  6. Confusion
  7. Poor coordination
  8. The increased dose needed for pain relief
  9. Worsening or increased sensitivity to pain with higher doses
  10. Confusion
  11. Unsteady walking
  12. Slurred speech
  13. Problems with memory
  14. Dizziness
  15. Increased alertness
  16. Irregular heartbeat
  17. High blood pressure
  18. High body temperature
  19. Reduced appetite
  20. Insomnia
  21. Agitation
  22. Anxiety
  23. Paranoia
  24. Forging, stealing, or selling prescriptions
  25. Taking higher doses than prescribed
  26. Being hostile or experiencing intense mood swings
  27. Sleeping less or more
  28. Making poor decisions
  29. Being unusually energetic, high, or revved up
  30. Being drowsy
  31. Requesting early refills or continually “losing” prescriptions so you can get more
  32. Trying to get prescriptions from more than one prescriber

If you or a loved one struggles with opiate addiction, it’s important to talk to a medical professional as soon as possible. Support is available to help, so you don’t have to face the addiction alone. 

Opioid Addiction RecoveryHow Effective Is Drug Rehab for Opiate Addiction?

The first step to drug rehab for opiate addiction is to attend a dr drug detox center. This period of time can be extremely painful and can lead to life-threatening situations. Attempting to detox from opioids alone can be dangerous to your health. Once you check into a drug rehab program, you’ll go through a psychological and physical evaluation to determine the severity of your addiction. The medical professionals at the treatment center will use this information to create an individualized treatment plan that addresses your recovery needs and goals. 

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to drug rehab for opiate addiction. However, studies show it’s most effective when patients complete the entire course of their treatment and continue with aftercare programs. Unfortunately, according to the American Addiction Centers, less than 42 percent of individuals who enter treatment for drug and alcohol abuse complete it. Individual success treatment depends on several factors, such as: 

  • The frequency, duration, and type of drug used
  • Criminal behaviors
  • Family and social environments
  • Educational background
  • Employment status
  • Additional physical and mental health conditions

Follow-up Care and Alumni Support After Drug Rehab

Completing drug rehab for opiate addiction is a major accomplishment. However, it’s important to have an aftercare plan after treatment to maintain a sober lifestyle and reduce the chances of relapse. When patients return to their normal lives, it’s important to have a support system of family, friends, treatment alumni, and mentors who will help promote healthy lifestyle choices. Outside of a personal support system, individuals can foster recovery through:

  • Continuing ongoing individual, group, or family therapy
  • Scheduling regular check-ins with physicians, therapists, and other medical providers
  • Attending peer groups in the long-term support community, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or SMART recovery
  • Participating in an aftercare program and educational opportunities provided by the treatment center
  • Finding new, healthy ways to occupy time, such as volunteering, starting a new hobby, staying active, and more

TruPath Is the Best Place to Overcome Opiate Addiction

If you or a loved one is experiencing an opiate addiction and are ready to receive help for your addiction, the best place to go is TruPath Recovery. Here, patients receive professional and compassionate care in a safe and supportive environment to help them heal from their addiction. TruPath offers comprehensive treatment services including individual, group, and family therapy that’s focused on helping patients achieve long-term sobriety. By treating both addiction and underlying physical and mental health issues, the experienced staff at TruPath Recovery can deliver the most effective form of care for every patient. With TruPath Recovery treatment centers located across the United States, there will surely be a drug rehab facility near you. To learn more about TruPath Recovery and its addiction services, visit their website or call (888) 292-1933.

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