Short Term Alcohol and Drug Rehab Options

What is Short-Term Alcohol and Drug Rehab?

Short-term rehab are rehab programs that last 30 days or less and allow patients to heal from addiction without committing to placing their life on for long periods of time. Other rehab programs can last 60 day, 90 days, or longer which may not be an option for others including due to costs. Patients are able to receive various levels of care in short term rehab including residential inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization program, and outpatient treatment. Although you can choose from several levels of care, outpatient treatment is best for those with milder addictions and with a sober and supportive living situation. Residential inpatient treatment for 30 days can be greatly beneficial for any level of addiction as it allows you to separate yourself from outside challenges such as triggers, stressors, influences, and temptations.

Short term rehab will provide the same type of treatments and care from longer rehab programs. It is important to note that short term rehab programs tend to be condensed versions of longer rehab programs and will attempt to fit in as many addiction treatments as possible in a short period of time. Programs will be intensive and are aimed to treat the underlying causes of your addiction while also providing tools and skills necessary to self-manage addiction in the long run.

Medical detox can be a part of short term rehab, which will take from 3 to 10 days to complete. Length of drug or alcohol detox will depend on several factors including your overall physical and mental health, length of addiction, severity of addiction, sex, age, and weight. Drug and alcohol detox can provide around the clock medical support and medications to help you go through the withdrawal process comfortably and safely. As you begin to feel better, you will transition into the drug and alcohol rehab portion of your program where you can expect several types of individual and group therapy, family therapy, relapse prevention, and sometimes holistic treatments like yoga, acupuncture, massage, and meditation.

Pros and Cons of Short-Term Rehab Programs

When you decide you need drug and alcohol rehab, you will go through several recovery program options including rehab length and intensity. Short term rehab can be just as beneficial than long-term rehabs if they are the right fit for you. You always have the option to lengthen your program as well if you and your counselors feel you need continued support. Short term rehab is more beneficial for those who are highly motivated in their recovery, have milder addictions, and have a great at home support network. That is not to say that individuals who do not meet all that criteria would not benefit from short term rehab, short term rehab is still better than no rehab at all. Outpatient and aftercare programs are always a good idea to continue with after short-term rehab. Some benefits of short-term alcohol and drug rehab include:

  • Less time commitment to leave loved ones, dependent, and your job or studies.
  • Cost of short-term rehab is lower and more affordable for many without insurance.
  • More insurance plans cover 60-day rehab programs
  • Can be a better option for those who are unsure or have lower motivation to complete the program because it is shorter.
  • Can introduce the recovery lifestyle to those who are reluctant.
  • You still get the same therapies, medications, and meal plans as long-term rehab.
  • Ability to connect with peer groups and 12-step programming.

While 30 days or less of drug rehab may sound way more appealing than a three-month commitment of many, it may not be enough for some to achieve a lifetime of sobriety. Some drawbacks of short-term rehab include:

  • Usually not enough treatments for severe addictions
  • Not enough time away from drugs, alcohol, people, places, and things that may be triggering.
  • May be too rushed and the heavy number of treatments may be overwhelming for some.
  • Not enough time to treat co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  • Although, the rule of thumb is that it takes 30 days to build or break a habit, the reality is that long-term addiction may need more time than that.
  • There is not enough time to spend on vocational and life skills training if needed.

Short Term Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Types of Short-Term Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Short term rehab is also available in all levels of care, just like long-term rehab. The best rehab programs will always create personalized treatment plans for their clients and recommend the best level of care depending on addiction and personal needs. Types of short-term alcohol and drug rehab include:

Drug and Alcohol Detox. Many individuals start their recovery program with a detox program which will help them get through the withdrawal process more easily and safely through medications, holistic treatments, and around the clock medical support. It provides the most effective way to successfully detox from alcohol and drugs.

Residential Inpatient Treatment. Inpatient programs will require you to stay at the treatment facility full time for the duration of your short-term rehab program. This is a great opportunity to separate yourself from the outside world and truly immerse yourself into the recovery process.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). PHP is a hybrid between inpatient and outpatient treatment, which offers the same weekly intensive addiction treatment schedule as inpatient programs but you will go home or to a sober living facility at the end of the day. Programs are also available in 5 or 7 day per week formats.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). IOPs are more flexible treatment programs that may allow you to continue going to work or school full time. Addiction treatment is not as intensive and may be scheduled early morning, evenings, or weekends.

Outpatient Treatment. Programs are also available in 9 weekly hours or less which provide a lot of flexibility and are best suited for milder addictions.

How Much Does Short Term Drug-Rehab Cost?

The cost of short-term rehab will vary depending on the type of treatment program, the facility itself, size of program, and location of rehab center. Inpatient treatment will cost more than outpatient programs. Insurance plans may also pay for some or all your short-term alcohol and drug rehab costs. However, if you are paying out of pocket there are financing options and scholarships available to help you pay. You can expect the range of short-term rehab costs to look like the following:

  • Medical detox costs about $600 to $1,000 per day, but may be factored into your total inpatient treatment program cost.
  • 30-Day Residential inpatient treatment costs between $14,000 to $27,000.
  • 30-Day Partial Hospitalization Program costs between $10,500 to $13,500.
  • 30 Day Intensive Outpatient Program costs between $3,000 to $10,000

TruPath Recovery Short Term Rehab Programs for Addiction

TruPath is a network for rehab facilities throughout the US. We offer comprehensive treatment programs in a variety of lengths and intensities to meet every individual’s needs. Our rehab and detox centers have helped many struggling with addiction find lasting recovery through our continuum of care. If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction and would like to learn more about short-term rehab, please call us today. Our addiction specialists are available any time to answer your questions and evaluate your case to help you determine which of our treatment program options is best suited for you. 

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