Opioid Detox Center: How To Get Started

Opioid Detox Center Near Me

Opioid drug addiction is a disorder that can quickly take over your life, which can create serious issues with your relationships, trouble at work, financial issues, and serious problems with your health. Thinking about drugs becomes an obsession, and you begin to feel like you simply cannot get through the day without using more drugs. This is because addiction is a complex issue that affects your brain and how you think and behave, causing compulsive drug use and making it incredibly difficult to quit.

Drugs like heroin, Oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, Hydrocodone, and codeine are extremely addictive, and quitting them usually takes a lot more than will power alone. For most people, a professional, integrated drug detox inside a treatment center, followed by inpatient and outpatient rehab will be the best way to take back control over your life.   

The TruPath network of treatment centers offers the full continuum of care, including inpatient detox, medication-assisted treatments, residential rehab, and outpatient programs that can help you quit using this devastating drug, get through detox without suffering painful or distressing withdrawal symptoms, and heal the underlying causes of your addiction. In only a few months of treatment, you will have the opportunity to rebuild your strength, learn new ways of thinking and behaving, gain healthy habits, and learn stress-reduction techniques and coping skills that will last a lifetime.

What to Expect When You Call an Opioid Detox Center

If you have never been to rehab and have never spoken to anybody working in a detox center, the entire process may feel overwhelming, and you may not know where to start. This is a normal way to feel because it is a new experience, and you may have mixed emotions about getting help. Many people feel shame surrounding their addiction, fear of the unknown, or you may have heard horror stories about what opioid withdrawal can be like.

Calling an opioid detox center to ask questions or to get help for yourself or a loved one can be intimidating, but just know that the people on the other end of the line are there to talk to people going through similar experiences to you. They are not going to judge you or talk down to you. They have heard it all before, and are there because they genuinely want to help.

The steps to take when looking for the right detox center for you or your loved one are as follows:

  1. Do some research first. Check out their website and their reviews, and see if what they offer is the type of place you will feel comfortable in.
  2. You may wish to write down questions you have before you call the center. This can be anything from how much rehab costs to what types of treatments they have or what a typical day in detox is like. This way, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed on the phone you will not forget to ask about the things important to you.
  3. Call the treatment center. The admissions experts will answer, and will guide you in the conversation. They will probably ask you a lot of personal questions, especially around your substance abuse in the past and the present. It is important to be honest during this conversation, even if it feels embarrassing or very personal, because these answers will help them to figure out the best course of action for you to take. You may also ask them any questions you have at this time.
  4. The admissions personnel will offer advice and may be able to admit you right away if it is deemed urgent, or they can work with you to figure out the best options for your practical needs, like if you need to arrange for time off of work first.
  5. After you have been admitted, you arrive at the rehab center, and begin the intake process, with medical and psychiatric screenings and an in-depth interview with you. Your trauma-informed treatment team will take care to make sure you always feel comfortable and safe, and will never force you to do anything you don’t want to do.
  6. Finally, you begin your customized treatment program. 

Opiod Detox Center

Does Insurance Cover Opioid Detox?

Health insurance covers treatments for substance use disorders and for mental health issues, but your individual coverage will depend on the insurance company and the types of medications and treatments your plan covers, like:

  • The types of medications they will cover
  • Whether they cover lab tests and assessments
  • Whether they cover follow-up doctor and therapy appointments
  • The types of therapy and treatments that they determine are medically necessary for your recovery
  • The number of days spent in detox and rehab each year
  • Whether they will cover residential costs like lodging and food

The best way to determine whether your detox and rehab will be covered is to speak with your insurance agency, so at TruPath opioid detox center we will help you navigate your insurance plan if you wish, as these things can become complex. We can help you figure out how much of your comprehensive treatment plan will be covered by insurance and how much you will pay out of pocket before you begin treatment, so you will be able to plan ahead.

How Long Is Opioid Detox?

You will begin to detox as soon as you move into the opioid detox center at TruPath. You can expect acute withdrawal symptoms to begin as quickly as 6 to 12 hours after you have last used the drug, and you will begin to feel like you have the flu, with symptoms like:

  • Cold sweats, chills and goosebumps
  • Agitation and anxiety
  • Low energy and depression
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Yawning
  • Runny nose and teary eyes
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps
  • Muscle aches and bone pain
  • Cravings for opioid drugs
  • Feelings of distress

The length of time it takes to overcome your initial acute detox depends on how long you have been using opioids, how much you were using at a time, and whether you were using other drugs or alcohol at the same time. Mental health issues factor into the equation as well.

After the acute phase, you will begin your rehabilitation, and may begin a medication-assisted treatment program. This is a long-term medication-based program that provides prescriptions that ease post-acute symptoms that can last for weeks or months after detox like drug cravings, body aches, and nausea. This way you can focus on your healing without suffering unnecessarily, gaining critical relapse prevention and stress reduction skills as you heal and gain new healthy habits.

TruPath Drug Detox Programs

TruPath is a network of addiction treatment centers offering comprehensive and intensive treatments for those who are ready to detox from drugs and move forward in their lives, healing their mind, body, and spirit through integrated group and individual therapies, medications, counseling, behavioral therapy, experiential therapy, holistic care, mental health services, case management services, life skills programs, and much more. We believe in client empowerment, offering individualized drug and alcohol treatment plans followed by continuing care for a life-long connection to sober living homes and a sober community.

If you are curious about TruPath’s network of treatment centers and how we can help you on your road to recovery, please call us any time. We are happy to speak with you, day or night, and answer any questions you may have. Opioid addiction is not something you have to overcome on your own. We are here for you, and we can help.

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