How To Manage A Drug Comedown

Often those with substance abuse or drug and alcohol addiction problems, they experience a feeling of pleasure and euphoria while using. Substances can make drug abusers feel confident, elated, invincible, or incredibly happy. This is what is described as “high” and is what causes people to want to continuously keep feeling this sensation. However, this high feeling leaves quickly which leads to a comedown.

What is a Comedown?

When taking drugs or alcohol, there are changes to your brain chemistry which affect neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Neurotransmitters are responsible for relaying messages from one area of the brain to another and for managing mental health. A “comedown” is what is used to describe what happens after the initial euphoric feelings from substance abuse wears off. It is the process the brain goes through when the effects of the drug wears off and your brain chemistry returns to normal levels.

The comedown process can last from a few hours to a few days depending on the type of drug and how much was used. Comedowns cause a range of psychological, physical and emotional symptoms.

What Does a Drug Comedown Feel Like?

Comedown symptoms vary from person to person. There are some common symptoms but they can range in length and severity. Some drug abusers will experience a gradual comedown as the effects of the drug wears off. Others may have a sudden crash with very noticeably comedown symptoms. Comedowns vary depending on the type of drug and the person, however some common comedown symptoms include:

  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Aches and pains
  • Paranoia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Stress
  • Cravings for the drug

These symptoms are similar to ones a person may experience through drug withdrawal or alcohol withdrawal. What a person will experience during a comedown depends on several factors, including:

  • Type of drug used
  • Amount used
  • How long you have been using drugs
  • Levels of drug dependence
  • If there was polysubstance use
  • Mental, physical and emotional health.

Also, the type of high experience may play a factor. If the high was pleasant with euphoric and pleasurable effects, the resulting comedown may be unpleasant and distressing. However, if the person experienced a ‘bad trip’ with negative effects of the drug including paranoia, discomfort, or anxiety, the comedown can be a huge relief.

How to Recover from a Drug Comedown

There is no way to avoid a comedown besides abstaining, however there are several things you can do to help reduce comedown symptoms and speed up the process slightly, including:

  • Try to get moving through gentle exercise like yoga or walking
  • Help your body drug detox through eating nutritious foods
  • Resist temptation and cravings to use more drugs
  • Hangout and laugh with loved ones
  • Do something that makes you feel good, like going for a swim or art therapy
  • Stay hydrated with water and electrolyte drinks
  • Remind yourself it is only temporary
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Meditation can help calm your nervous system

TruPath Drug Rehab Programs

Many people experiment with drug use and substance abuse, however often experimenting can cause a person to become dependent on a drug or a drug and alcohol addiction. If you are feeling you are experiencing comedowns often or are unable to control your drug use, you may need addiction treatment help from a drug rehab center. Seeking professional help is the first step in the addiction recovery process.

TruPath offers comprehensive treatment programs for all types of drug addiction at all our drug rehab centers across the US. We offer all levels of care including inpatient treatment and outpatient drug rehab. Our medically supervised drug detox programs can help you manage withdrawal symptoms more easily. If you would like more information about our treatment programs, please contact us today and get back control of your life.

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