Is Drug Detox Enough for Recovery?

What is Medical Drug Detox? 

The process of detoxing from addictive substances with medical assistance, known as Medical Drug Detox, is a service offered at many drug and alcohol facilities that can greatly reduce the discomfort experienced during the withdrawal process by those attempting to recover from substance abuse. 

In most cases during medical detox, the patient stays on-site at a treatment facility and is administered medications by a trained medical professional. These professionals and other qualified caregivers also maintain 24 hour observation of patients to monitor their condition and ensure a maximum level of safety and comfort through the detox process. 

Detox vs Going Cold Turkey

 It is highly recommended that those struggling with substance abuse seek out medical detox services if they are attempting to discontinue the use of addictive substances rather than attempt it on their own or quit “cold turkey”. The withdrawal process can be very uncomfortable, especially for certain drugs that create physical dependencies such as opioid products. 

These difficult withdrawal symptoms can result in relapse back onto drugs in order to end the pain or satisfy the strong cravings. The withdrawal process can also be dangerous without medical supervision, as some physical symptoms can be taxing on the body if it has already been weakened by drug use. 

Why Drug Detox Alone is Not Enough 

Getting through the drug detox process, even with the help of medications, is not sufficient to ensure long-term sobriety. Substance abuse involves both physical and mental aspects to the disease. The physical issue of addiction can be helped by detox, but there is also a mental or psychological element that causes users to utilize drugs as an unhealthy coping method.  Without pursuing further addiction treatment that addresses these underlying issues, former drug addicts are likely to resort to drug use again if they experience stress.  

What Happens After Detox Drug Detox and Rehab at TruPath 

TruPath is a network of top drug and alcohol detox and drug rehab centers for addiction located in the Los Angeles and New Jersey areas. As a dual diagnosis treatment center, we at TruPath understand the importance of completing a full treatment plan after detox, and that is mirrored in the full continuum of care we offer, from detox to inpatient and outpatient programs. 

As a patient with TruPath, you will work closely with our team to develop a specific treatment plan that best sets you on the path to long-term recovery from substance use disorders. This program involves an addiction assessment that will take into consideration your personal history with drugs or alcohol and the tools you have available to you once you leave treatment and incorporate these factors into your plan or suggest additional ones you might need. We employ both traditional therapy methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, and alternative therapies, such as holistic therapy, to find what each client responds to the best so they can have the most productive recovery journey. 

For many after detox, it is recommended that they undergo residential inpatient treatment, as it is the most immersive treatment program where resources are available around the clock during your stay. Therapy sessions during residential treatment can also happen more often, so progress can potentially occur at a faster rate. 

If staying on-site at a residential facility is not a treatment option that best suits you, outpatient programs are also available where patients can come into the facility to attend therapy or receive medical treatment, but still maintain outside responsibilities like work, school, or the care of dependents. These are also called partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient programs.

We may also recommend that you participate in family therapy or workshops to help incorporate recovery into your everyday life outside of the facility and help heal relationships harmed by addiction or create stability in other areas such as work or school. 

The care you receive at a TruPath network recovery center doesn’t suddenly end once you stop regular treatment. We pride ourselves on offering extensive aftercare services and resources to give support and facilitate relapse prevention so our clients can have successful long term recoveries. 

If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, or are considering a medical detox program, reach out to our offices at any time for more information about our admissions process, to verify insurance, or find a location near you. 

We believe that through our community support and encouragement, we believe that everyone can overcome addiction and find the road to recovery. Let us help you take those next steps today.

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