Preparing to go to Inpatient Alcohol Rehab For The First Time

What Is Rehab Like For The First Time?

For many people, going to alcohol rehab for the first time is something that can feel overwhelming. However, when you select the right addiction treatment facility, you will have the support and the care that you need as you begin to make these critical changes in your life. One of the great things about our inpatient treatment team is the fact that we make ourselves readily available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have when it comes to inpatient treatment. 

Inpatient treatment is designed in such a way to provide you with a home away from home type of environment as you begin to work through the different phases of your addiction treatment program. Throughout your inpatient treatment program, you will have the chance to live on our beautiful campus, enjoy around the clock care from our addiction treatment team and be able to interact with other individuals who are also working through their treatment program. Giving yourself the sober and safe environment that you need to recover from substance abuse can give you a new lease on life. 

How to Prepare For Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

There are several steps that you can take when it comes to preparing for your time in inpatient treatment such as: 


  • Ask questions
    If you’re going to inpatient treatment for the first time, it’s understandable that you may feel nervous when it comes to the premise of this type of treatment program. Therefore, one of the best things that you can do is to ask questions or raise any concerns that you may have. As you’re getting ready, you can ask about what you can expect during the course of your rehab program or you can ask about what you should pack for treatment. These questions will help you to feel more at ease.  
  • Let your family know
    Family support is something that can help to bring you a sense of peace when it comes to treatment. Family is often a driving force when it comes to getting substance abuse treatment. You should keep them in the loop or give them the okay that they can speak to your substance abuse team so that they can stay in the know when it comes to the different facets of your treatment.  
  • Be honest with yourself and with others
    In order for you to make the most out of your substance abuse treatment program, it’s imperative that you prepare yourself for some of the hard truths that you will face during the time that you’re working through your recovery program. Being open and honest as you go through the different aspects of your program is the best way for you to get the help that you need and to ensure that you can move forward from the impact that your addiction has had on your life. 

going to Inpatient Alcohol Rehab for the first time

Treatments Used in Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

As addiction experts, we understand that addiction treatment is not something that can be a one size fits all approach. Due to the fact that addiction is something that impacts each person differently, this means that you need and deserve a personalized approach to your recovery plan. The cornerstone of your addiction treatment program will be addiction therapy. While it’s true that addiction therapy is something that can feel awkward and uncomfortable at times, it’s critical so that you can work through the contributing factors of your substance abuse in a healthy manner and start to heal from them. Examples of addiction therapy include: 


  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Individual therapy 
  • Group therapy 
  • Family therapy 
  • Music therapy 
  • Art therapy 


We also give our clients the opportunity to workout or explore the other interests that they may have as they start to recover from substance abuse. If there is anything else that we can do to make your treatment more successful, let us know and we will do everything that we can to make it happen. 

What Happens After You Complete Inpatient Rehab?

Although you may feel better physically and psychologically after going to inpatient alcohol rehab for the first time, it’s important to remember that addiction recovery is a lifelong process. Therefore, there are several steps that you can take following the completion of your inpatient treatment program to reaffirm your sobriety and give you the continued support that you need to maintain your sobriety. After going to inpatient treatment for the first time, you can take advantage of one of the following options: 


  • Go to an outpatient treatment program
    Outpatient treatment programs are more flexible in comparison to an inpatient treatment program. They are something that can help you to transition into a normal routine following your inpatient treatment program. At TruPath, we offer intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs which will provide you with the continued foundation that you need when it comes to your recovery. If you have work or school responsibilities, you will be able to see to those responsibilities during the time that you’re in outpatient care.  
  • Attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
    You will quickly notice that Alcoholics Anonymous meetings follow the premise of a group therapy session in several ways. During these meetings, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and insight regarding the discussion at hand. You will be able to connect with other people that are in your group and serve as a supportive unit. In turn, you will also be able to feel the support from other people that are attending your meeting which is something that can encourage you to continue on in your recovery journey.


  • Enrolling in an alumni program
    An alumni program will put you in touch with other individuals who have successfully completed their addiction treatment program. An alumni program typically gives you the opportunity to connect with other people who are continuing to live their life of sobriety and understand the importance of collaborating with other people to continue to maintain your sobriety. Alumni programs come with the added bonus of participating in different events throughout the year where you can continue to meet new people and continue to build your system of support.  
  • Continue to find things that you like to do
    During your time in inpatient treatment, you will have a great opportunity to learn more about your likes and dislikes now that you’re a sober person. Therefore, after you complete your inpatient treatment, you have a wonderful chance to continue to explore those likes. Setting aside time to see new things or go on a fun and sober adventure is a wonderful way to reinforce your sobriety. 

Alcohol Rehab Programs at TruPath

When you partner with TruPath, you can take comfort in the fact that our inpatient alcohol treatment programs are second to none. Regardless of whether you’re going to inpatient alcohol rehab for the first time or you have worked through other addiction treatment programs in the past, you can rest assured that our team will be there for you and with you every step of the way. If you have concerns about yourself or a loved one, our intake team is available around the clock to provide you with the answers that you need when it comes to the steps that you should take regarding recovery. For more information about our substance abuse treatment programs, please get in touch with us today! 

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