Helping a Friend with Fentanyl Addiction

Signs of Fentanyl Addiction

Helping a friend with fentanyl addiction is something that is paramount in the lives of many people. Sadly, everyday friends and family members around the world experience stress and worry as a result of the substance abuse of someone that they love and care about. If you suspect that a friend or loved one may be struggling with a fentanyl addiction, here are some telltale signs that they may be suffering from this condition: 


  • Defensiveness of their substance use 
  • Cravings 
  • Shakiness 
  • Issues maintaining work or school responsibilities 
  • Problems maintaining personal relationships 
  • Health issues 


When you initially reach out to our treatment team, we will go through the history of substance abuse with the intended patient. It’s important that we receive as much information as possible regarding substance abuse issues so that we can begin to put together a treatment plan. For example, depending on the severity of the fentanyl addiction, it’s possible that your friend or loved one may need to start their recovery in a drug detox program. A drug detox program typically lasts seven days and provides you with the basis that your loved one needs to get the care that he or she needs as they experience withdrawal symptoms that often come hand-in-hand with detoxing from fentanyl. 

How to Help a Friend with Fentanyl Addiction 

If you have concerns regarding the substance abuse of a friend or family member, there are several steps that you can take to get them the help that they need. Keep in mind that your efforts in helping a friend with fentanyl addiction is something that will be fruitless unless your friend or family member is ready to truly commit to a treatment program. However, here is what you can do to make the process easier for them: 


  • Be supportive with the understanding that only they can make the decision as to whether they are ready for treatment 
  • Listen to their concerns
  • Offer to help them in organizing their treatment program 
  • Attend your own support groups so that you can learn more about substance abuse 


At TruPath, we understand that addiction is something that may not only impact the life of the person who has the addiction but also their friends and family. Therefore, we are always available to provide friends and family members with guidance that they may need during the time that they are in treatment. 


Helping A friend With Fentanyl Addiction

Treating Fentanyl Addiction at TruPath Recovery 

Whether you’re helping a friend with fentanyl addiction or you find that you’re struggling with fentanyl addiction, when you reach out to TruPath Recovery, you can take comfort in the fact that our experienced drug addiction treatment team will be there for you and with you every step of the way. We offer a wide range of addiction treatment programs which can help any individual to address their substance abuse and come to a healthier and more fulfilling place in their life.


At TruPath, we offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs to suit your individual needs. If you opt to work through our inpatient addiction treatment program, you will have the opportunity to live on our beautiful campus.  If you have work or school responsibilities, however, you can opt to work through an outpatient treatment program which offers you more flexibility and is often a better fit for this type of client. 


If you need help for a friend with fentanyl addiction, we encourage you to get in touch with us for more information. Our intake team is available around the clock to provide you with the tools and resources that you need. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you.

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