When Is The Best Time To Go To Rehab?

Considering Rehab for Drug or Alcohol Addiction

Coming to the realization you have a substance abuse issue is not easy. There is still a lot of stigma surrounding alcohol addiction and drug addiction which can keep people from admitting they have a problem with drug abuse and from reaching out to family, friends or treatment centers for help.

There are over 21.7 million people in the US who are struggling with some form of substance use disorders, however only a small fraction seek treatment they need. Denial can be a defensive mechanism to avoid getting drug addiction treatment. You may feel you have your alcohol or drug use under control or not that bad of an issue. Some others avoid entering drug rehab out of shame or because they cannot afford it. Another reason why some people avoid help from a treatment facility is that individuals will put it off for an event, a holiday, or a vacation.

It can be easier to put off getting addiction recovery treatment than deciding to enter drug alcohol rehab. However, some signs that you need help now include:

  • You have developed tolerance or physical dependence to alcohol or drugs.
  • No longer participating in activities you used to enjoy because of substance abuse.
  • Work or school performance has been affected because of your drug or alcohol use.
  • Loved ones have confronted you about your substance use.
  • You are experiencing financial issues related to drinking or using drugs.
  • Feeling a need to drink or use drugs in private out of shame.
  • Substance abuse has interfered with family or personal responsibilities.
  • Experiencing health problems because of drug or alcohol use.
  • Legal issues, such as DUI or possession.
  • You want to stop using drugs or drinking but have failed.
  • When attempting to stop using drugs or alcohol you experience withdrawal symptoms.

Each person will experience drug and alcohol addiction differently and although these are not red flags, they are signs you need to look deeper into your substance abuse. Your biggest sign it is time to get drug addiction treatment now is wanting to quit or cut back, but unable to do so on your own.

When Is The Best Time To Go To Rehab

Why the Best Time to Go to Rehab is Now

The best time to enter a drug rehab is now. There are plenty of reasons to put it off such as having concerns about your family or job responsibilities or being concerned about what others may think, or you may be scared of a bad experience.

Why you should get addiction therapy now is because substance use disorders always get worse. It will take over your health, your loved ones, your job, and every other aspect of your life. You should find recovery programs now before you start losing the most important parts of your life to addiction. Also, getting addiction therapy sooner than later will better your chances of successful addiction recovery. Treatment programs are also less intensive when you catch substance use disorders early on. Instead of needing inpatient drug rehab for severe addiction to alcohol or drugs, you may only need intensive outpatient treatment which allows you to stay at home and continue going to work or school.

Drug and Alcohol Programs at TruPath Recovery

TruPath Recovery offers all levels of care from medical detox, inpatient drug rehab to intensive outpatient treatment to meet you anywhere you are in your drug addiction. We personalize treatment programs to fit your needs and to give you the best chance at addiction recovery. If you are already searching for advice on your substance abuse and information on treatment centers, that is probably a good sign you are ready for help from rehab centers.

If you are struggling with drug or alcohol use, please give us a call today to learn more about how our treatment programs can get you on the road to recovery.


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