Outpatient Drug Rehab: Will it Work?

Inpatient vs Outpatient Drug Rehab

If you have struggled with substance abuse and have decided you need professional addiction treatment help, you are already on the road to recovery. You may have started researching addiction treatment programs and have discovered the various levels of care available at a treatment center, which can be overwhelming to decide which types of treatments can be best for you. When it comes to inpatient vs outpatient treatment, there are various pros and cons. For some people, inpatient care offers the immersive experience completely away from their real lives that they need to achieve. For those with severe drug and alcohol addictions, this may be the best starting point. However, for others, outpatient programs may be more lucrative. Some benefits of outpatient rehab include:

  • Ability to live at home surrounded by loved ones who support you
  • Lowered costs compared to inpatient care
  • Flexibility to continue going to work or school while in outpatient addiction treatment
  • Ability to apply what you learn in substance abuse treatment immediately
  • Continue taking care of small children, pets, or elderly family members while in outpatient rehab

Will Outpatient Drug Rehab Be Enough?

While there are many pros to outpatient treatment models that offer more freedom and lower costs, which can be tempting for many, outpatient rehab may not be enough for some people. Outpatient rehab does not provide the same structured, drug and alcohol free environment away from influences and triggers outside the treatment center that some individuals may need in order to avoid an early relapse. Outpatient programs have some disadvantages such as lack of around-the-clock support, inability to speak to a therapist as often as in inpatient treatment, and you may not be able to develop close bonds with others at the rehab facility.

However, if it is the right fit, outpatient rehab can be just as effective as inpatient care. Those who would benefit from outpatient programs are those who:

  • Know they need help, but have not hit rock bottom. These individuals have milder drug or alcohol addictions or beginnings of drug addiction they have realized, and are highly motivated to get better before their substance abuse progresses.
  • Have a strong support system at home. Inpatient treatment offers 24/7 support, however if you have family and friends who are well informed about the causes of drug addiction and are committed to helping you with support and accountability, living at home while in addiction treatment is ideal.
  • You learn best by actively practicing new skills. Outpatient rehab allows you to immediately apply lessons to real life and is great for hands-on learners.
  • You can avoid temptations. Cravings for drug or alcohol during withdrawals can be extreme at times, having the willpower and ability to stay away from substance abuse are necessary for outpatient care.

What to Do if You Relapse During Outpatient Rehab

If you relapse at any point during your road to recovery, the first thing is do not be hard on yourself and do not think of yourself as a failure. Relapses are common in addiction treatment and are just a setback to reevaluate your treatment plan. You may want to reconsider more intensive treatment programs such as a partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), or even an inpatient program. Drug and alcohol addiction can be stronger than you realized and even an inpatient program may offer the intensive treatment you truly need.

TruPath’s Outpatient Drug Rehab Treatment

TruPath has a network for rehab centers across the US with various levels of care, including outpatient drug rehab. Our treatment programs are tailored to each person and if you are considering outpatient rehab, our addiction specialists can help you decide if that is the best option for you. All our levels of care include evidence-based treatment, access to medically assisted detox, and even holistic treatments. Please give us a call today to discuss your outpatient treatment program options or so we can answer your questions about rehab.

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