When is Medical Detox Necessary for Drug Addiction?

When deciding to stop substance abuse, you must first detox from the drug. When you detox from alcohol or other drugs, your body may go into withdrawals which can be very uncomfortable and even dangerous. Certain factors in your drug addiction may cause you to need a medical detox, instead of going about it on your own.

Signs of Drug Addiction

While different drugs and alcohol can have their own set of clues that point toward drug addiction, there are common signs of habitual drug abuse across all substances. When a person is abusing any drug, some of the signs to look for include:

  • Drastic changes in relationships
  • Noticeable lack of energy with daily activities
  • Financial management issues, such as not paying bills on time
  • Appetite changes, for example decreased appetite and severe weight loss
  • Changes in physical appearance, such as dirty clothes and bad hygiene
  • Lowered work or school performance
  • Bloodshot eyes, poor skin tone, and appearing run down
  • Defensive when asked about drug use
  • Spending more money than usual or asking to borrow money
  • Altered behavior, such as wanting more privacy

When To Consider Drug Detox

Prolonged or heavy drug abuse causes physical dependence. When the person attempts to stop using, they may exhibit significant withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes they can be life threatening and require medical supervision at a recovery center to safely go through the detox process. There is no way to predict someone’s withdrawal symptoms, but generally the longer or more severe the drug addiction, the higher the risk of developing severe symptoms. Even with mild drug symptoms, such as nausea, body chills, and insomnia, you run the risk of relapsing to stop withdrawals. A medical detox at a treatment center can help ensure you complete the detox process and anyone who uses drug or alcohol can benefit from a medically supervised drug detox. A medically assisted drug detox program may be necessary for those with co-occurring disorders such as mental health disorders or those with medical conditions.

What Happens During Medical Detox?

When you check into a medical detox at a treatment facility, you and your substance abuse history will be evaluated physically and psychologically by medical staff. With that information, they can create a personalized detox treatment for your detox. During medical detox, your vitals will be monitored 24/7 by nurses and physicians. Withdrawals can result in a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, such as:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking and shivering
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Headaches
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Runny nose
  • High temperature and/or chills
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Nightmares and vivid dreams
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Paranoia

The most severe withdrawal symptoms include delirium, seizures, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts and actions. They can provide medications and administer prescription drugs to offset any dangerous symptoms like seizures, or simply to provide medications that eases withdrawal symptoms, such as anti-nausea medications. Around the clock support is also available in inpatient detox. Research has shown that compassionate and supportive care is just as important as medication to aid in a successful inpatient detox.

How Long Does Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

The withdrawal symptoms can last anywhere from 3 to 10 days. Some of the milder symptoms can last weeks, months or even a year. Several factors determine how long and how severe withdrawal symptoms, including:

  • The person’s physical and mental functioning
  • How long and how much of the drugs they have been consuming
  • Severity of withdrawal symptoms

It is important to note that drug detox is just the first step in recovery. A comprehensive drug rehab program is important to ensure long-last sobriety and relapse prevention. After inpatient detox is completed, it is easy to transition into a drug use treatment program.

Safe Medical Drug Detox at TruPath

Our drug detox program at TruPath Recovery offers a safe and comfortable way to go through the drug withdrawals, instead of going cold turkey on your own. You do not need to go through this very difficult part of substance abuse recovery on your own. We also offer several levels of care you can easily transition into including inpatient treatment drug rehab, outpatient drug rehab, and intensive outpatient rehab. If you or someone you love is struggling with drug addiction, please give us a call today and we can help get you started on the road to recovery.

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