How Benzodiazepines Affect the Brain

Benzo Addiction and The Brain

How Do Benzodiazepines Affect the Brain?

Benzodiazepine addiction has become a growing concern for a number of Americans each day. When taken as prescribed by a doctor, there are a number of health benefits that will treat ongoing mental health disorders such as anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or panic attacks, and support individuals with seizures. However, when someone engages in benzodiazepine abuse there can be serious side effects and a physical dependence that can be developed. 

To gain a better understanding of benzodiazepine addiction it is important to understand how benzos work and their effects on the brain. Benzodiazepines work by enhancing the neurotransmitters within your central nervous system and brain called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) at the GABA A receptor. The increase in GABA neurotransmitters from the effects of benzodiazepines while causing an individual to feel symptoms or effects such as sedation, hypnotic state, muscle relaxant, treat anxiety, and act as anticonvulsant. 

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