What Outcome Can I Expect After Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient Rehab Success Rates

There are many things that you need to consider when it comes to an addiction treatment program. When you’re ready to get on a road to recovery, it’s critical that you take into consideration your own needs when it comes to addiction recovery. There are some people who live in an environment that is simply not conducive to recovery. Therefore, you may greatly benefit from an inpatient program. When you commit to inpatient rehabilitation, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of a treatment facility and enjoy the around the clock care and treatment from a professional inpatient drug addiction team. This type of sober environment can help any individual to focus on the steps that they need to take to work through their addiction and also greatly aid in relapse prevention

How Long is Inpatient Rehab?

The length of time that you spend in treatment will be dependent on your personalized treatment plan. On average, an individual will spend anywhere between 30 and 90 days in a treatment program following the week that they will need to spend in detox. This is a decision that you will need to make before you begin your recovery program. However, you will be able to extend your treatment program if you opt to begin your recovery in a short term rehab. You can always extend your recovery plan if you feel that you need more time in this structured type of environment. 

Inpatient Rehab Aftercare

Part of your recovery process is to understand that your road to recovery doesn’t end once you complete your initial inpatient drug treatment program. Instead, it will be strongly recommended that you take advantage of aftercare programs after your inpatient addiction treatment plan. Aftercare will help to surround you with other people who are continuing to focus on their own recovery process. Although families and friends can help you through this process, it’s important that you also connect and gain support from other individuals during this period of time. 


Making the decision to attend Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings can help you to remain focused on your recovery and also aid in relapse prevention. You will notice that these meetings are similar to group therapy sessions in the sense that you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts about the topic at hand and also listen to the thoughts and experiences of other individuals. This is an excellent way to grow and expand your understanding of addiction as well as develop your system of support which is key for your overall recovery. 


Navigating Life After Rehab

Navigating life after rehab is something that can present its challenges at times. This is all the more reason to commit to working through a recovery program that will be able to provide you with the guidance and the insight that you need during this stage of your life. Falling into unhealthy patterns or becoming lax in the steps that you’re taking to work through your addiction issues will only lead you back down the road of addiction. 


Addiction Aftercare Programs at TruPath

Regardless of whether you opt to work through an inpatient rehabilitation program for your drugs and alcohol addiction or whether you decide to work through an outpatient rehab, you will have the chance to participate in aftercare programs following your initial drug rehab program. Our substance abuse treatment team will provide you with the information that you need regarding these programs so that you can make the best decision based on your own personal needs. If you’re struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, we encourage you to get in touch with us today to learn about the different types of treatment that we offer.

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