What to Expect During Alcohol Rehab

Deciding to seek treatment for alcohol addiction and abuse is a very good step in the right direction.  Millions of people across the country struggle with different types of addiction and do not take part in drug or alcohol rehab for a variety of reasons.  There are a number of common questions regarding substance abuse treatment and at TruPath we are here to answer all of them for you.  At TruPath we offer medically supervised detox, inpatient treatments, outpatient programs, and specialized care like Intensive Outpatient plans (IOP) and dual diagnosis treatment for people with co-occurring disorders.

If you or one of your loved ones is struggling with alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction and would like information about our levels of care and types of treatment, call us today.

What is Inpatient Alcohol Rehab?

Inpatient rehab can be a very good choice for people committed to beginning their alcohol recovery.  When you attend inpatient alcohol rehab, whether you begin with going through alcohol withdrawal or not, you can concentrate fully on your recovery process. Experts agree that almost everyone who struggles with drugs and alcohol can benefit from residential treatment on their road to recovery.  An inpatient program of 30, 60, or 90 days is a significant commitment, and it’s important for anyone who begins care at a treatment center to be comfortable in the environment in order to be successful during an inpatient substance abuse program. 


As you get started on the road to sober living and alcohol recovery, it’s important to remember there will be good days and bad.  By taking part in a residential treatment program, you will have almost unlimited support from highly trained substance abuse and mental health professionals. You will also be surrounded by people who are going through the same trials that you are, as they start on their own road to recovery.


What to Expect During Alcohol Rehab

Every residential treatment rehab program is different. At TruPath Recovery, helping our clients achieve lasting sobriety is our priority.  Here are a few things you can expect during inpatient alcohol rehab:


  1. First, you need to understand that an inpatient treatment plan at a recovery center means spending 24 hours a day in the treatment facility for the length of the program.  Also, you will not see many of your loved ones, as there are usually limited visits.  These are some of the reasons inpatient drug or alcohol programs are a big commitment.


  1. Second, you will get to experience many different types of therapy.  Our outpatient programs have a lot of options, too, but when you are staying at inpatient rehab, there’s more time to explore the choices.  Everyone takes part in individual counseling. There are also daily group therapy sessions, too.  In addition to those, clients can choose to take part in family therapy and alternative types of therapy like massage and yoga. 


  1. Third, a typical day in a rehab program will include structure. Set meal times, a schedule of therapy sessions, and a lights-out schedule will be adhered to by guests. 

What Happens After Inpatient Completing Alcohol Rehab?

There are two paths a person should take after inpatient alcohol rehab, and actually doing both is the best option.  First, a client can continue their individual therapy and group therapy sessions in our outpatient rehab program.  Second, There are 12-step programs that we organize for our clients as part of our alumni support, including Alcoholics Anonymous.  Being part of a peer support group after treatment for alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction can be a big help.  

Looking For Inpatient Alcohol Rehab? TruPath Can Help. 

At TruPath we have top-rated alcohol detox, alcohol abuse, and alcohol addiction treatment programs. If you would like to hear more about our inpatient or outpatient programs or have questions about any of the details regarding our levels of care, please call us today.

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